Friday, September 12, 2008

Baby Droukas: 22 weeks, 6 days

I haven't given a baby update in a while and I've been getting lots of requests.

The last ultrasound was in early August and everything was checking out well. We chose not to find out the gender (well, I chose and hubby has to deal.) I have pictures of the ultrasound that I'll post (backdated) but things are kinda fuzzy. You'll get the idea, though.

I still feel great. My energy level is normal, although this past week I've been falling asleep at 8pm. I think that might be more because of work-related stress than the baby. I still walk 3+ miles several times a week. I don't finish the walk in 45 minutes like I used to, but I'm blaming it on Indigo's frequent potty breaks.

This past week, maybe Tuesday, I really started to feel the baby kicking. It was like getting thumped on the arm; not hard, but you feel it. I liken it to Azure stretching on the bed and pushing us out of her way. Baby just wants more room.

The week after Labor Day I "popped". I'm officially in the "Is she fat or pregnant?" stage. Those who know say they can tell now. I just started wearing maternity clothes. The pants are still a little big, but I'm sure I'll grow into them. It's been months since I wore pants that fall down. I think I need to get a few more Bella Bands.

A few weeks ago I solicited recommendations/suggestions for maternity and newborn products, books, etc. I have an awesome network who responded with fantastic ideas. I am using what they suggested to create my registry on I'll share what they said here in a few weeks. It's a long list to compile. Also, my BIL is very generous and giving us the baby furniture from his girls who have recently outgrown it. Thanks BIL! My SIL is giving me lots of great tips and sharing clothes from her boys. The Droukii are a very supportive family. If anyone else has advice to offer, please, send it on!

Other than that, I am just trying to manage life. I've got three big things going on and I can only reasonably handle two of them at any given time. For the last two weeks, it's been Baby and Work (big product release that is not going as planned,) much to hubby's dismay. Next week things should shift to House and Baby. Let's hope the energy level stays high.