Things I'd like to remember.
Baby started rolling over on April 15. She doesn't do it consistently, but she can do it on her own.
On May 4, she reached for and grabbed her elephant for the first time. She pulled it on top of her, then switched it to her other hand. Until then she would hold objects that we placed in her hand.
Alexandra has yet to giggle, but she gets the biggest smile imaginable when she's happy to see someone.
Baby will be a talker like mommy and daddy. She coos and oohs and aahs, especially after waking up and finishing food.
We call her Lizard Girl and Monkey Toes. She flicks her tongue like a lizard when hungry and she can grab objects with her toes (just like mommy.)
And every night, I just want to stand over the crib and watch her sleep so peacefully.