Life List: Family
- Take a family ski trip
- Have family portraits taken
- Just the 5 of us (3 humans + 2 dogs)
- My husband’s family: brothers, wives, nieces, nephews
- My parents and brother
- An updated family portrait of my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmother
- Have large family portrait from cousin's wedding last summer that needs to be scanned
- Start an annual tradition of seeing The Nutcracker and the BSO with the munchkin, including afternoon tea
- Record an audio book for the Munch and have her father and grandparents do the same. -UPDATE: We have audio books from Nana and Gramma.
- Teach the Munch to ride a bike.
- Cook family dinner for a week.
- Bake a batch of cookies, from scratch, with the Munch.
- Teach the munchkin how to swim.
- Spring the Munch from school for a day/afternoon unannounced for adventures with Mom and/or Dad
- Create a family tree
Life List: Home
- Own a house on a lake in the mountains
- Start and (completely) finish our home renovations (Started and about 90% complete. Still need to organize, unpack, hang decorations, find window treatments, and complete the patio.) UPDATE: Patio completed April 2011. Pictures are being hung, too. Still working on the window treatments.
- Reinstitute Movie Night in the Backyard
- Clean out 100 things in one weekend (yes, dear, each t-shirt will be "1 thing" and no, dear, each piece of mail does not count as "1 thing".) UPDATE: Purged closet in March 2011. Onto the basement next.
Life List: Photography
- Take inspiring photographs like those at The Big Picture (professional) and RAW (amateur)
- Showcase said photographs either in a gallery or magazine
- Create a silhouette wall
- Print out pictures of extended family for the munchkin and hang them in her bedroom. UPDATE: Family portrait wall has moved to the second floor foyer and includes the Munch's great grandparents on down. Need to get cousins on the wall next.
- Photograph 1000 faces
Life List: Travel
- Walk along the Great Wall
- Travel to Japan
- Play golf in Scotland
- Section hike the Appalachian Trail
- Camp in Acadia National Park
- Snowshoe in Alaska
- Visit Quebec in the winter
- Go see the Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in person
- Road trip across the US, maybe along Route 66. UPDATE: Took a family roadtrip to Washington DC in April 2010.
- Go to Glacier National Park
- See Mount Rushmore
- Travel to all our national parks
- Travel to Vancouver, BC
- Take a mule ride into the Grand Canyon
- Raft the Colorado River
- See where Goonies was filmed
- Visit Iceland
- Organize a trip to Sonoma for a group of friends
- Visit Machu Picchu before it is closed to the public
- Go on a safari
- Visit all 50 states and pin them on a map.
- Go on international trips with the Munch, one on one.
Life List: Do
- Take two weeks off every summer and rent a beach or lake house with my closest friends
- Ride in the PanMass Challenge
- Volunteer
- Run a 5K, then a 10K, and maybe complete a triathalon
- (Update June 2010. I started the Couch to 5K running program with a goal of running a 5K in September 2010! Next year's goal will be the triathlon with Cindy.)
- Update Sept 2010 - ran the EMARK 5K in Melrose. Ran the entire distance in an official time of 33:07. First time I've run 3 miles since high school!
- Go dog sledding
- Make a dress
- Wrap all presents in the same lovely wrapping paper
- Create thoughtful gifts
- Organize a neighborhood parade
- Organize a block party
- Get to know my neighbors
- Give up TV for a day, week, month
- Write thank yous
- Host a Cool-Whip fight
- Participate in a Cloudy Misteriosos event
- Learn to quilt
- Parasailing
- Ride a trapeze
- Stomp grapes to make wine (see also #18 under Travel)
- Learn to ballroom dance again
- Taste 200 cheeses (esp since I claim cheese to be my favorite food)
- Host a water balloon fight
- Document one week of my life with pictures, receipts, newspaper headlines
- Every year, invite all our friends and their kids over for an Egg Hunt
- (Update: in early April 2010, we hosted the first Egg Hunt. The weather was fantastic and the turn-out tremendous. Everyone had a great time. Pictures are on Flickr. and the Second Annual Egg Hunt on April 23, 2011. The weather was not great.)
- Learn how to camp (see also #5 under Travel.)
- Learn how to decorate a cake
- Update - in June 2010 I'll be taking a cake decorating class (course 1 of 3) with a friend. Update - this was becoming a regular "thing" and started making cakes for others' parties.
- Plan a party for a friend - party-planner-for-hire style.
- Update Sept 2010 - I've been asked to brainstorm party ideas for friends including one 4th of July party and two birthday parties (both for 1 y.o. boys). Still haven't done any of the shopping and decorating, but did come up with the theme and how to implement the them.
- Compete in a roller derby
- Go sailing on the Charles River, where I am the "captain" and not the "crew"
- Take real lessons in rowing and then row on the Charles
- Compete in the Warrior Dash
- Skydiving
Some other inspirations (I do not know these people; I just find their lists interesting)