Thursday, July 30, 2009


A list of baby's firsts

- First roll was from her stomach to her back on (or about) April 15.
- First "solid" food was rice cereal. She still hates it, but she LOVES banana.
- First champagne was at Winnie's Bachelorette Lunch. She pulled the glass from Mommy.
- First tooth: bottom two on June 26 (sharp little razors!) We didn't know she was teething because she didn't drool or fuss any more than usual.
- First swim was in Wanaksink Lake on July 3. She loves playing in the water.
- First beer was at Grandma & Grandpa's annual 4th of July barbeque. She pulled the bottle from Athena.
- Starting consistently sitting unsupported around July 15.
- First wedding was Stephanie & David's on July 19. She even helped pick out the bride's gown during the Filene's Basement Running of the Brides in February.
- Baby pulled herself from sitting to standing using Mommy's fingers on July 27. She may walk before she crawls.