Monday, September 22, 2008

Pardon Our Dust

This weekend we accomplished in terms of demolition. The kitchen is gutted, except for the exterior walls. The floor proved to be a challenge - they had to jackhammer out the tile, then cut the two layers of linoleum and 1" thick plywood. At least one saw blade was ruined. The floor was finished this morning.

We had lots of help from friends on Saturday and Sunday and we made relatively short work of the guest bedroom and office. Both of those rooms are completely to studs. When you walk up the stairs you encounter a skeleton of the old rooms.

Just as everyone predicted, we made a lot of mess and there is a fine layer of dust everywhere. Our bedroom is the only dust-free room in the house. (Thank goodness for that draft stopper!) I am constantly washing my hands and feel gritty all the time. Yummy. We don't move out until Oct 1, so there's another 9 days of this. Thank goodness for neighbors who will let us use their guest room.

A big thanks to all who helped out this weekend, from big demo work, to clean up to holding the light while I cut wires. We are very grateful to you.

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