Monday, December 22, 2008

Two weeks to go

Last night I lost it. It's all finally gotten to me.

There are two weeks left until baby's due date. I should be resting, reading, not stressing out. Fat chance of that. Hubby has a goal of finishing the renovations as quickly as possible. For his week off, he is assembling and installing kitchen cabinets, then installing the new floors. He is quite intent on meeting these goals.

But then... we got hit with two storms. I can't shovel and the snowblower broke. Hubby had to shovel the driveway himself. The best I could do was clean off the cars and keep the dogs occupied.

I'm frustrated that I can't help more. I can't lift cabinets, I can't bend down to install floors. I can't (well, I can, but shouldn't) shovel. I want to sit on the couch and watch TV or nap or do nothing at all. We have been staying on our neighbors' pull-out couch because of the storms. J&J are accommodating, but it's not the same as having one's own space. We haven't been back to the rental house since Thursday. I had only packed for two days. I'm on Day 4 of living out of my suitcase. It's not cool. I need to do laundry-for everyone's sake. There's also several loads waiting for me at the rental house and a driveway's worth of shoveling 12" of crusty snow for hubby.

I'm tired and cranky and short tempered. I want my routine back, even if that routine means traveling to/from Newburyport every day.

On the bright side... I feel amazingly well for being 14 days from my due date. Baby continues to grow (about 6.5 lbs right now) making it harder and harder to bend over (snow boots are a PITA.) S/he is active and kicking. I don't think Baby has dropped as I still have a foot jabbing my rib. Ready or not, Baby is coming.

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