Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This Week in Baby's Life

Today Baby and I are spending a day together at home. She hasn't been feeling 100% due to upper respiratory congestion. I am quickly realizing how much of her life I miss when at work all day.

Baby is a babbler after eating and having a diaper change. No laughing, but lots of streaming noises. I think she's telling a story.

She sees the dogs and is very interested. Today she grabbed Indigo and wouldn't let go until he walked away. She had two fists full of fur.

She can't sit or crawl, but loves to stand (while being held up.)

Sitting on the couch in my lap isn't good enough. I must be standing up; moving not required.

She sees her toys and grabs them. She is fond of the elephant doll that is attached to the side of her crib.

She adores being outside looking at the trees.

For the most part, she is a very good sleeper. We can put her to bed around 8 and not hear from her again until 5 or 6. This week, though, she's been up around 1 because of the aforementioned congestion.

Her favorite way to fall asleep is on daddy's chest after finishing a bottle and he watches TV.

Feet and fingers fascinate.

She has dark blue eyes like her Uncle Dave.

She can fit her entire fist in her mouth. Her cousins tried imitating her, but the boys' teeth got in the way.

Baby knows that a bottle provides food. She reaches for it with her hands and opens her mouth wide (wider than when she breastfed.) She's starting to hold the bottle too (with assistance).

I have to wear my hair back all the time because little fingers like to pull. (Not much of a problem since I wear ponytails most days.)

A little someone might be getting ticklish on her feet and sides.

Right now, baby has one thumb in her mouth with the fingers wrapped around her nose and the other fist grabbing her foot.

I am amazed each and every day by this little 12 pound creature and how much she brightens my life and how much love my heart holds for her.

1 comment:

GregL said...


Lovely baby! I used to have babies. They are 11 and 12 now--two young ladies--and they fight and have fun and fight all the time. I don't know how to tell you to enjoy this time more but I can tell you that every day for the past 12 years has been amazing because of my children. I hope the little one gets over her cold soon.

Greg Lamb